Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bailout Fail

Interesting lunch excursion to WAMU, now known as Chase. They were renovating. The question “Why?” crossed my mind. Here we have a financial giant who begged for a bailout and now they’re hanging new drapes (figuratively, not literally since that’s not part of the “look”). Was something wrong with the building? No, a WAMU representative confirmed. It was just time to give it the Chase stamp and an ol’ heave-ho to the WAMU layout…to the tune of half a million dollars.

So I try to wrap my head around this bailout spending plan. Chase was given a $25 billion bailout. Assuming they’ve kept all 2,239 WAMU branches they obtained and will rebrand each branch at $.5 million, this equals $1,119,500,000. That’s $1.1 billion spent on redesigning a building that was renovated by WAMU in recent years and had NO structural or electrical problems. In other words, $500,000 wasted, per branch, on changing the layout so it has the Chase “look and feel”.

This is like your daughter borrowing $800 to pay her rent then going to the mall and buying a new pair of jeans because she needed something to match the top she got a month ago...when she has five other pairs in perfect condition stacked in her dresser drawer.

Frankly, I’m not sure establishing a bank is Chase-owned is the best route at the moment. I might be more inclined to hand my money over to a guy with a handwritten sign saying “Bank” taped to his Dodge van. And he doesn’t even require I write out a deposit slip.


Haley said...

Yeah, it's totally ridiculous!

Homer Cook aka JR. said...

Hmm, well, uh...as someone who has been in the mortgage industry for longer than I'd like to admit, I'd like to defend the business.

But I can't.

I agree with you. In fact, I have gone rather Tyler Durden ala Fight Club and think the banks shoulda been allowed to fail. They made their bed so they should have had to sleep in it.


I agree with the principle of what you're saying, but JPMorganChase is one of the few banks already waiting to pay back TARP.

So I guess the daughter got the $800 rent, yet already had a few thousand stashed away anyway. I would give her a beatdown next time you see her, of course. Or reward her for her cunning skills and persuasion.

I for one look forward to these new drapes you speak of!